Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Training Tips for Getting a New Puppy

If you are getting a new puppy then you need to make sure that you invest a great deal of time, energy and effort into training them. If you don’t then you may have to deal with a ton of behavioral issues later down the line and this is the last thing you need.


Socializing is exactly what it sounds like. It is about trying to get your puppy out and into the big wide world. It helps them to meet new people, visit new places and experience new smells. Puppies who are socialized well tend to grow up to be calm adults. A lot of behavioral issues in puppies tend to come down to the fact that the dog was not socialized early-on. This can include aggression, fear and excessive barking. It’s vital that you get your dog used to a lot of people, as well as sounds. If you can do this early on, then you will be able to reap the benefits in the future

House Training

A lot of puppy owners list house training as being one of their top priorities. After all, having a puppy pee in the house can be frustrating. House training is one of the first things that you will have to work on, so make sure that you get them off to a good start by putting them on a schedule. Feed them at similar times every single day and also make sure that you take them out when they wake up from a nap, or when they eat or drink. Scolding your puppy or rubbing their nose in their mess will only scare and confuse them. The best way for you to help your puppy would be for you to reward them with praise, or play.

Crate Training

A crate can be used to confine your dog when you cannot supervise them. If your puppy is given enough time to get comfortable within their crate, then this could end up being one of their favorite places to go. Crates are great as they can stop your dog from developing bad habits. Crates are good for house-training your dog, as a lot of dogs will not relieve themselves where they sleep. If you are having a hard time toilet-training your dog then now could be a good time for you to look into pet odor and stain removal as this is the best way for you to keep your house clean. 


You should not keep your dog in their crate for more than a few hours at a time. You should not give them access to the whole house either, even when you are at home to supervise them. There are far too many things in your home for your dog to chew on, hide underneath or even get hurt by. Confining them in the kitchen or another room with a baby gate can go a very long way when it comes to stopping your puppy from developing bad habits.


  1. These are some great tips! Going to try them all on my puppies!

  2. These are great tips!! Socialization is super important! It has made a world of difference for my puppies over the years.

  3. I like these tips. I'd add that puppies need consistency, especially in the words that are used to train them for specific skills. For example, the word "go" can be confusing to them if used in multiple contexts.

  4. Your comments about confining a puppy in a crate are interesting. But confining them in a crate inside the house is exactly what the majority of folks who work do on a daily basis. If the dog were chained outside someone would call the abuse "police" onto them. But confined inside the house or apartment for 8 or 9 hours is not observed and not policed. I don't know what the answer is, and know that pets are a real joy to children and adults alike.

  5. Thanks for the tips. My daughter really wants a puppy but we already have two cats and we live in an apartment.

  6. Great tips. I find Leave It especially useful

  7. Really good tips!!!!

  8. Thanks for sharing these helpful tiips

  9. Training a puppy is hard work, but if you have the help, it should be easy!

  10. alot of great tips here. thanks for sharing


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