Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Art Of The Walk: Taking Your Puppy For Their First Successful Stroll

It’s no secret that dogs of all shapes and sizes love to go on walks. Whether your furry friend is full of energy or as lazy as can be, they will love to have the chance to get outside, especially if it means seeing other dogs. Of course, though, when you first get your hands on a puppy, it will be hard to know how to explore the world with them. To make this process nice and smooth, this post will be exploring some of the essentials which need to be on your mind when you’re going through this exciting time.

shallow focus photography of short-coated brown and white puppy

Before The Walk
Before you can ever take your dog out for a walk, there are a few important areas to consider. The health, development, and behavior of your growing puppy will all be influenced by their first few outings, making it crucial that you take the right steps to prepare for it. You can find some of these areas below, but it will be worth talking to your vet or researching online to make sure there aren’t any specifics to worry about with your breed.

Vaccinations: Before they can interact with out dogs safely, your pup will need to have a few vaccinations. Like humans, dogs have to face a lot of different diseases when they are out and about, but with a couple of jabs being all it takes to protect them, it’s worth going through this process. You will have to wait until your puppy is old enough for this, but this should be before they are old enough to go out for walks, anyway. 
Time: A puppy will need to be at least 8 weeks old before he or she can be removed from their mother’s side, and the amount of time you have to wait before getting them vaccinated will vary from breed to breed. Generally, this will be at around 10 to 14 weeks old, though some dog owners decide to wait a little longer to make sure that their puppy gets a chance to grow a little bit. It’s important to wait a couple of weeks after they’ve had vaccinations, as these treatments will take time to become properly effective.
Training: Certain breeds of dog are more excitable than others, and some will even need to be trained before they are able to interact with other dogs safely. There are loads of ways to train your dog, but it is worth doing some research in this area, as the techniques you use can shape the animal’s personality in ways which you wouldn’t expect. If you choose a breed which is known for aggression, it can be worth investing in a muzzle until you’ve had a chance to see how they react to different environments.

Collars & Clothing
Like a human, it’s a good idea to make sure that your dog has some sort of identification when they are outside. If they get lost or run away, a collar can provide their rescuer with information about you, enabling them to reunite you with your pooch. Along with this, this accessory provides an anchor for the leash you’ll be using when you’re walking the puppy. You can find loads of high-quality collars around the web, and they often come with leashes in the box, making this part of the walk nice and affordable.
Dogs are just as sensitive to temperature as humans, with some of these animals having an incredibly hard time on snow and ice. Being cold won’t stop them from playing, though, making it all too easy to let your dog get sick during winter, simply by exposing them to too much cold weather. A dog belly wrap can solve this issue, without forcing your puppy to wear uncomfortable clothing. Getting them used to things like this when they are young can help as they get older, making it worth putting them into some clothing long before they go outside.
Along with collars, microchips can also be a great source of identification for a lost dog. While they take a machine to read, most vet surgeries will have access to one of these devices, and this is where most people will go when they find an animal like this. You can often have a microchip applied to your dog when you have them vaccinated. It will cost a little more, but this will be well worth it if your dog ever escapes without their collar.

Route Planning

On your first outing with a new puppy, the places you take them need to be carefully considered. Taking them to a park which is filled with other dogs could be terrifying for them, and this will give them a bad impression of the outside world. Instead, you should aim to take them on a quiet adventure. As a puppy, they will appear to have loads of energy, but it will disappear far faster than you expect, and they will often need help getting home if you work them too hard. Of course, having to carry your puppy isn’t exactly a chore, though.

As time goes on, it will be a good idea to start varying the routes you take. When a dog goes out with their owner, they will view the whole experience as a hunting trip. Taking the same paths won’t give them the chance to explore, and will eventually get boring, even when it doesn’t have to be this way. Your local area is almost certainly filled with great places to take your pooch, and you should be embracing as many as possible to give them a rich life.

Introducing your puppy to other dogs will often be a scary idea, especially if they are strangers. Most people are aware of their dog’s behavior, though, and the risks can be wiped away by simply talking to the owners you see on your outings. You should always be mindful of what they’re doing, ensuring that neither animal gets hurt. Most dogs are happy to spend time with one another or are aggressive from the start, making it nice and easy to tell whether or not your dog has found a worthy friend.

Playing Games

The best walks are those which aren’t restricted to simple walking. Dogs like to chase things, explore rough terrain, and work as a team, giving you the chance to provide them with some real entertainment while you’re out on your walks. Sticks are a common go-to, but they are usually worth avoiding, as they can injure your dog if they have an accident with them. There are loads of dog toys on the market which are easy to use and great fun for your pet. This is something which is worth varying, just like the routes, as this will keep your puppy from getting too bored.

Collecting Their Waste

Dogs aren’t able to use toilets, and will often struggle to be trained to use a litter tray. This means that owners have to look for alternatives when they are trying to keep their home free from waste, and using your walks is a great way to cover this. Of course, it will take a little bit of training before they are able to keep themselves from going indoors, but this is often taught while they are still with their mother. You can’t just leave the waste lying around, though. Instead, once your pooch has done their business, you will need to collect it in a bag of some sort. Thankfully, there is a big market for this kind of product.

white and black border collie puppy
Dealing With Disaster

While getting a puppy is an exciting an joyous experience, most people will go through some degree of stress when they first take on such a big responsibility. Out on a walk, anything can happen, but being prepared can make some of the worst situations into nothing at all. For example, remaining vigilant is a great way to solve problems, with a lot of fights between dogs being completely avoidable if one owner takes a different path. Of course, though, you can’t prevent every incident. When you encounter an issue which you can’t solve for yourself, having access to the right professional is always a great solution. Some vet clinics are open all hours, and will happily take emergency calls when an animal is injured. Likewise, fire services are often able to rescue dogs from tight spots, without forcing you to pay the heavy cost which would usually come with something like this. As time goes on, you will get better at dealing with things like this, and the stress will certainly ease. Hopefully, this post will leave you feeling inspired to get your dog’s first walk handled in the right way. When a puppy is growing up, the time they spend outside will be very important to them. Not only is it fun, but it also gives them the chance to explore and learn, building the skills which they will need in later life. They may not need to go to school, but a puppy will always benefit from some natural education.

How to Get A Puppy to Sleep Through the Night! (the most important tips)
Disclosure: This is a partnered post.


  1. this was such a cute post to read! i don't have one, but i kept imagining what it would be like to walk my puppy now!

  2. All of this is the best. We've got TWO dogs and I potty trained them both and one was A LOT easier than the other haha . It's so fun though!

    1. It sure is fun! Thank you for your comment Ashli.

  3. That is so so cool. We're planning on getting our FIRST dog soon!!! I can't can't wait. Thanks a lot for the tips.

  4. Training a new puppy can definitely be a tough feat! These are such great tips to help with the whole process.

  5. We don't have a dog but we do love them. It is certainly a learning curve and you have to be very vigilant with the training.

  6. so cool! i will share this post with my friend, who recently got a puppy!


  7. My husband does the honors of walking our dog. It's like their bonding time, haha. :)

  8. I just loved your nice ideas to groom your puppy. They all look helpful for the pet owners.

  9. I am a dog person but I used to have dog forever. Your tips are so useful for first timers. Walking with pup is always very exciting but stressful for each participant. it is easier if you have elder dog to help out

  10. I think these tips are helpful to new puppy owners. Great post.

  11. Very useful article as we just adopted a few shelter dogs that aren’t very well mannered. These are great tips.

  12. This is so lovely. I never had a dog ans if ever this is a very helpful guide to take them with their firat walk.

  13. Oh wow, perfect. My dog just gave virth and I am so excited to them to walk. Very useful tips.

  14. This is such great advice for new pet parents. I know a friends of mine who's just got a puppy. I'll definitely share this article with them.

  15. Oh my, what an adorable puppy! Great tips to have the perfect walk with a pup! We have four adult dogs, and they really don't get walks often enough. They do love running in the yard along their dog run, though! :)

  16. Sometimes I think that dogs are so much like having kids. They need our help and attention.

  17. omg your pup is to die for, sooo cute. Great post especially that we're considering getting our first pup yay...

  18. I will always remember walking my sister's brand new pup down the street 12 years ago! Ha! I don't have one myself but for some reason that memory sticks out in my head.

  19. Cute! We only have cats, and they aren't one for walks. We tried ;) They sort of give us evil stares and flop to the ground.


  20. I don't have a dog but I'd like to take it as a puppy so I keep this blog post aside.

  21. This really makes a lot of sense. Pets are like humans, some needs exercise and even extra care. This is a well pointed post as well.

  22. I had been planning to get one puppy for me. I will keep this helpful points in mind.

  23. I have always wanted a dog but haven't had one yet. Never knew there were so many things to consider!

  24. What cute photos! I don't have a puppy but I always wanted one! My next door neighbor takes my daughter walking with her when she takes her dog. I remember her talking about some of these issues -- especially fights with other dogs! Great post!

  25. And please no retractable leashes. They are AWFUL. Not only can they break, they also allow dogs way too much free reign. And some harnesses work better than collars - and gentle leaders too!

  26. Awe I miss having a dog! I used to love taking them on walks! They love being outside and running!

  27. I love taking my doggos for walks. They love the exercise and the new smells!

  28. my friend just got acute littlep puppy, I'll share this with here.

  29. I wish my dad had this article a decade ago! He would drag our poor dog down the sidewalk. The poor puppy still couldn't figure out to use its legs and walk, even though it was crying because its butt hurt, lol (I'm horrible for laughing, I know). Great article.

  30. These are some great tips! I can't wait until we are able to get my son a puppy, when he's a little older. Thanks for sharing!

  31. Amazing article and some great tips that a new pet owner should look for.

  32. these are great tips for first time owners

  33. these are some wonderful tips, the first walk can be a challenge

  34. These tips are great, can they teach your puppy how not to take you for a run once they become a full-grown dog? lol


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